Thursday, November 17, 2011

When Sameer meets Isabella...

The quintessential 'bad' girl?
Slender fingers unzipped the svelte clutch and brought out a pack of milds. She opened it with conditioned ease and pulled out a long white one. She extended one to Sana and pulled out another one to her waiting lips. She dug into her tiny clutch and out came a shiny silver Zippo. She lit hers and threw the lighter across the table on to the sofa. Sana picked the lighter and used it to light her ‘ciggie’. She dragged hard and blew the smoke in a bluish jet. Sameer watched Isabella exhale the smoke. The smoke seemed to flow over her perfect lips and caress the smooth skin of her face. Her eyes were closed and there was a hint of a smile. Eyelashes looked like they were painted on. He remembered her as he had seen her in the cafĂ©. She was beautiful.
Her eyes flashed at him. He looked away.
“Oh! I am sorry. Want one?” She asked him when she saw him staring at her.
“No! I am sorry…. I don’t smoke.” Sameer said, almost apologetically. Why am I apologising!
“Good for you,” she said as she looked away.
From one of the October 2011 releases from Red Romances - 'Second Chances' by Rahul Dev...

Monday, November 14, 2011

From our forthcoming desi Red Romance...

Boy meets girl, the attraction is electric...
At that moment, their eyes met, and something electric passed between them. This time Ajay couldn’t restrain himself, he leaned forward hesitantly and let his lips touch hers. A sliver of excitement ran down his spine as he realised that, in response, she pressed a gentle kiss against his lips. Ajay smiled, got up, and extended his hand to help her get up. They walked, in silence, to the hotel where the rest of the crew was being put up.
Intense as she might look, he was certain that she would not accept being rushed into anything more serious at the moment. That night as he left Kavin to board with two of the women members of the theatre group, Ajay kept asking himself if he should have said something about what had passed between them. Should he have said, “Kavin, I am attracted to you. Do you feel the same way about me?” Had he botched the opportunity? He recalled her smile and the brief pep talk she had given him at the restaurant. He thought of how soft her lips felt against his, how sweet her fragrance was.
From our forthcoming title 'Castle in the Air' by Red Romance writer Vijayalakshmi Sridhar

A taste of a desi love story....

A pick from our best...
Nethra looked him in the eye and asked, “Did it occur to you Mr. Khan, that if I know what I am up against, it could possibly hasten my recovery? And not to mention the fact that I could know what precautions to take?” Sameer had to admit that she had a point there. But he wasn’t about to give in, at least not yet. “Diversion tactics, Sameer,” he told himself. “For starters, let’s stick to you calling me Sameer and I will tell you what you need to know. But before that I want to know something. And I think I am justified in asking, considering what you have been through in the last one week. What happened to you just now a few moments ago? Did you have trouble breathing again?”
Nethra inhaled sharply at that question. How could she tell him that is was him, the memory of his lips on hers that made her breathless? That she was feeling sensations that were completely alien to her? All this at a time when danger was lurking down below – and the man who was helping her out was the man responsible for sparking those emotions? Best to play the ignorance card, reasoned a voice in her head.
From 'Eyes on You', a Red Romance written by Meera Shivashankar